
A (44) | B (18) | C (36) | D (22) | E (39) | F (21) | G (3) | H (3) | I (22) | J (1) | K (1) | L (10) | M (21) | N (11) | O (7) | P (11) | Q (2) | R (27) | S (51) | T (12) | U (11) | V (23) | W (4) | X (2) | Y (1)
Name Description

A common identity repository (CIR), creating an individual file for each person that is registered in the EES, VIS, ETIAS, Eurodac or ECRIS-TCN containing identity, travel document and biometric data, is established for the purpose of facilitating and assisting in the correct identification of persons registered in those systems, of supporting the functioning of the MID and of facilitating access by designated authorities and Europol to the EES, VIS, ETIAS and Eurodac.

CIR individual file

All identities within an EU information system that are considered belonging to the same person are stored in one CIR individual file for that EU information system.


Once the third-country national obtains the nationality of a country from the Schengen area, he/she becomes a citizen of that EU country.

Closed-Circuit Television

The self-service system shall be operated under the supervision of a border guard, physical supervision or via Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) camera, but CCTV surveillance by a border guard would be sufficient.

Colour image of facial image

When a facial image is taken live, it shall be a colour image. In exceptional cases, grayscale or near infrared capture may be used. In such a case, if the quality is sufficient, it may be used for verification or identification but not for enrolment. Grayscale images are accepted for enrolment only when they are extracted from the chip of the travel document.

Commercial intermediary

A private administrative agency, transport company or travel agency (tour operator or retailer).

Commission Implementing Decision (CID)

A Commission Implementing Decision (CID) is a legally binding act of the European Union directly applicable in all member states of the EU. They can address specific legal entities, in which case it is binding only to them, and are always limited in scope.

Common Identity Repository (CIR)

An individual file created for each person that is registered in the EES, VIS, ETIAS, Eurodac or ECRIS-TCN. This file is established for the purpose of facilitating and assisting the correct identification of persons registered in those systems, for supporting the functioning of the MID and for facilitating access by designated authorities and Europol to the EES, VIS, ETIAS and Eurodac, where necessary for the prevention, detection or investigation of terrorist offences or other serious criminal offences. The common identity repository is established by Article 17(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/817 and Regulation (EU) 2019/818.

Conditions of authorised stay

Conditions relating to the duration of the third-country national's authorised short stay on the territory of the Member State (as per the EES Regulation (EU) 2017/2226). The third-country nationals must be informed that when they do not fulfil the conditions of authorised stay, the EES will automatically add their data in a list of overstayers.

Conditions of stay not fulfilled

Conditions for the stay on the territory of the Member States are not fulfilled - e.g. overstayer (as per the EES Regulation (EU) 2017/2226). The competent authorities should give third-country nationals the possibility to present evidence to rebut the presumption that third-country national no longer fulfil the conditions of duration of authorised stay.