
A (44) | B (18) | C (36) | D (22) | E (39) | F (21) | G (3) | H (3) | I (22) | J (1) | K (1) | L (10) | M (21) | N (11) | O (7) | P (11) | Q (2) | R (27) | S (51) | T (12) | U (11) | V (23) | W (4) | X (2) | Y (1)
Name Description
Fingerprint data

‘fingerprint data’ means fingerprint images and can include images of fingerprint latents, which due to their unique character and the reference points contained therein enable accurate and conclusive comparisons on a person's identity. Which types of fingerprint data is stored in an EU information system is set out in the Regulation establishing each EU information system.

Fingerprint data quality

At the moment of enrolment, the version 2.0 (or newer) of the Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) metric shall be used for verifying that the quality of the captured fingerprint data respects the thresholds. For the purpose of enrolment, the quality of fingerprint data shall be assessed: at national level at the time of capture prior to their transmission to the EES Central System, and at central level.

Fingerprints (FP)

The digital images of the fingers.

First line check

The first location at which all persons are checked (first line).


A suspension of the validity of an alert at the national level that may be added to alerts for arrest, alerts on missing and vulnerable persons and alerts for discreet, inquiry and specific checks. In the EES context, means the type of messages set up in the EES (warning the user, implying a subsequent action) to support processes such as the replacement/update of biometric data (e.g. insufficient facial image quality, insufficient fingerprint quality, facial image taken from eMRTD, etc.).

Force majeure

The concept of force majeure must be understood in the sense of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond the operator’s control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised.

Forged travel document, visa or residence permit

The border authority can refuse entry of the third-country national at the border if he/she has a forged travel document or a forged visa or residence permit.

Form for manual storing

The form that might be used by the border authorities for manual storing of entry and exit data (except biometric data) when all systems are offline.


Fundamental Rights Agency

Fully in Schengen

The Member States and associated countries that apply the Schengen acquis in full (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland).