
A (44) | B (18) | C (36) | D (22) | E (39) | F (21) | G (3) | H (3) | I (22) | J (1) | K (1) | L (10) | M (21) | N (11) | O (7) | P (11) | Q (2) | R (27) | S (51) | T (12) | U (11) | V (23) | W (4) | X (2) | Y (1)
Name Description
ETIAS Central System

The Central System referred to in point (a) of Article 6(2) (of the ETIAS Regulation (EU) 2018/1240) together with the CIR to the extent that the CIR contains the data referred to in Article 6(2a).

ETIAS Central Unit

The ETIAS Central Unit is established within the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, which shall be operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and with the responsibilities described in the ETIAS Regulation (EU) 2018/1240 (Article 7(2)).

ETIAS hits

Means the existence of a correspondence established by comparing the personal data recorded in an application file of the ETIAS Central System with the specific risk indicators referred to in Article 33 (of the ETIAS Regulation (EU) 2018/1240) or with the personal data present in a record, file or alert registered in the ETIAS Central System, in another EU information system or database listed in Article 20(2) of the above-mentioned ETIAS Regulation (‘EU information systems’), in Europol data or in an Interpol database queried by the ETIAS Central System.

ETIAS National Unit

Each Member State shall designate a competent authority as the ETIAS National Unit, which shall be responsible for:

  • Examining and deciding on applications for travel authorisation where the automated application process has reported a hit and the manual processing of the application has been initiated by the ETIAS Central Unit;
  • Ensuring that the tasks above and the corresponding results are recorded in the application files;
  • Ensuring that the data they enter in the application files are up to date in accordance with the relevant provisions;
  • Deciding to issue travel authorisations with limited territorial validity (LTV);
  • Ensuring coordination with other ETIAS National Units and Europol concerning the consultation requests;
  • Providing applicants with information regarding the procedure to be followed in the event of an appeal;
  • Annulling and revoking a travel authorisation.
ETIAS Travel authorisation

A record created in the ETIAS pursuant to a decision issued in accordance with the ETIAS Regulation (EU) 2018/1240 which is required for third-country nationals who fulfil the entry conditions.

EU citizen

Every national of a Member State is a citizen of the Union.

EU Information Systems

Includes EES, VIS, ETIAS, Eurodac, SIS and ECRIS-TCN.


European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) is an EU Agency established to provide a long-term solution for the operational management of large-scale IT systems, which are essential instruments in the implementation of the asylum, border management, justice and migration policies of the EU.


Eurodac is a centralised system that helps with the management of European asylum applications by storing and processing the digitalised fingerprints of asylum seekers and irregular migrants who have entered a European country.

European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)

The European Border and Coast Guard (the ‘Agency’), commonly referred to as Frontex, has the following key roles:

  • To establish a technical and operational strategy as part of the implementation of the multiannual strategic policy cycle for European integrated border management;
  • To oversee the effective functioning of border control at the external borders;
  • To carry out risk analysis and vulnerability assessments;
  • To provide increased technical and operational assistance to Member States and third countries through joint operations and rapid border interventions;
  • To ensure the practical execution of measures in a situation requiring urgent action at the external borders;
  • To provide technical and operational assistance in the support of search and rescue operations for persons in distress at sea; and
  • To organise, coordinate and conduct return operations and return interventions.